Heal Yourself (5/5)

When you consider that we are one. we are all energy, connected to eachother. So when I heal me, I heal you and vice versa. Today I give a kinesiology group balance to feel whole. When we are whole we are certainly healed. I take you through the proces. you may watch...

5. Food!

When you were young you knew what was good for you and when you were hungry and when you were full. For most of us, the teachings of our parent, schools, churches, culture and media has brought us away from our innate knowing of what to eat and when. In today’s...

5. Flourish!

In the word flourish, is the latin word Flora. When you flourish you radiate like a flower. Everybody notices you. You are seen. You stand out. You are an inspiration to others. They would like to be more like you and they copy you. You are an example. You can only do...

4. Scaling up!

Scaling up is do what you do well and do more of it. In order to do that you need to think big. If you are afraid to show yourself if you are afraid to be criticised if you are afraid to work with others if you are afraid to be wealthy, you cannot scale. As you can...

3. Money!

Money, you eighther love it or you hate it. What do you think helps you most as an entrepreneur? Money is energy, like love is. If you don’t love yourself much and don’t like when other people make you compliments. How are you going to accept money? If you...
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