Happy winter!
Dear you, welcome to the Happy winter! playlist. It will be all about how you can maintain your sunny mood of summer, your productivity, your focus, your balance.
These videos are specially made for people that have the winter blues, that have a winter depression or that feel cold, or tired or ill.
There will be one big difference. I will be giving you loads of tips, like always, but I won’t balance you.
How is that for a new experience? Please let me know.
I am now appealing to your inner motivation, to study and take action for your own benefit. I am curious If you will.
If you want to read. check my books on Selfenizer.
If you need a personal balance, please contact me via Movimento. <
I am at service to your well-being.
Love, Merel
Transcending the ego-mind
Hello you, welcome to the Transcending the Ego-mind Playlist! This series of vlogs will help you overcome the emotions of the ego, and become who you really are.
Those emotions are the ones that make you feel bad, like apathy, depression, sadness, fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy, remorse, fault, scarcity, loneliness. When you transcend them, you will feel light, bright, sunny, happy, loving, loved, joyfully, thankful, grateful.
Please join me during my kinesiology balances to make you feel good again. There is no need to feel bad. How you feel attracts what you experience, this is Law of Attraction. So take very seriously how you feel and start transforming your emotions. Your life will change.
Lieve jij, welkom bij de Transcending the Ego-Mind Playlist ofwel de lijst met video’s die je helpt om je goed te gaan voelen.
Emoties die bij het ego horen zijn: apathie, depressie, verdriet, woede, work, jaloersheid, schuld, wraak. Wanneer je deze ombuigt, transcendeert, dan kom je in rust en neutraliteit, acceptatie, vrede, liefde, vreugde, lichtvoetigheid, dankbaarheid, licht. Wil jij dat ook?
Al mijn video’s zijn kinesiiologie balansen die direct effect hebben op jouw emotionele toestand. Hoe je je voelt heeft effect op wat je aantrekt in the eleven, De wet van aantrekkingskracht, dus zorg dat je je goed voelt, ruim je triggers en trauma op. Wil je dit nog better kunnen? Kijk dan op Selfenizer voor mijn boeken en trainingen, met name de De-Programming methode is effectief voor je.
Veel liefs/Much love,
Lives for entrepreneurs!
I believe that entrepreneurs can make a difference in this world. They are less influenced by the programs or they have already gotten rid of them.
In this series, I give practical tips for you as an entrepreneur to get the most out of life and your business and we do kinesiology balances to overcome your main struggles.
The topics are:
1. What about you? 2. WHY? 3. Money! 4. Scaling up! 5. Flourish!
Please join me and share and leave a comment.
Love, Merel
Lives for teenagers!
Especially for teenagers, I’ve made 5 Instagram lives on whatever topic they wanted to talk about.
Topics are:
1. Self-Love! 2. Learning 3. Parents 4. Health 5. Choice.
I not only talk about these topics, but I also teach you how to balance yourself, so you can have a better life a happier life and we do a kinesiology balance together.
These vlogs are not only beneficial for young people, but also when you are older than 20 these topics might be interesting to clear out in your life.
Like, comment and share.
Love, Merel
Balancing your body!
Welcome to my new series of 5 video’s. I’ll share with you techniques I use to balance my body every day in order to be more fit, healthy, young, strong, smart, energetic. In my balancing, I’ll be using many techniques from different courses of kinesiology. If you are interested in a personal balance or a course, just let me know in the comment box below or in a personal message.
I believe that it is part of my mission to show people how they can heal themselves. That’s why I, share with you these free videos, so you can get a good idea of how good you can and may feel.
Topics are: 1. Awaken your senses 2. Finding your balance 3. Balancing the organs 4. Notch up your intelligence 5. Food!
If you are in need of some special attention, just go to the website and order a balance. www.movimento.nl
When you like this video and share it, a greater group of people can benefit, a group that I otherwise could not find. And when you feel strong and well, what can you share with the world that is of value? You are magnificent, so I wonder what it will be.
Much love, Merel Slotboom
The kinesiologist on the Move, trainer, and author of multiple self-discovery books in English and Dutch. you can find them on selfenizer.com and selfenizer.nl
Raising your vibe!
This week I am making a series of 7 video’s that help you raise your vibe. When your energy is high, you feel cheerful, happy, saddisfied and thankful. This way you will go into rest and repair and the immune system will kick in. This is a lovely way to be healthy.
I love it when you comment on how the videos change how you feel and I love it when you like and share. The more people that have a high vibration, the easier it is to feel wonderful and have good things come to us easily.
Topics are: 1. Choose 2. Cleaning up 3. Getting out of fight, flight, and freeze 4. Doing what you like 5. Bonding for healthy relationships 6. Love 7. Light
Like, comment and share please to make more people radiant.
Sending you love! Merel Slotboom
Kinesiologist on the Move, trainer, and author
www.movimento.nl, www.selfenizer.com, and www.selfenizer.nl are my websites Go and have a look.
Being true to yourself!
We have no idea who we are really. We have been programmed and lied to all of our life. Becoming who you really are is your biggest quest in this life, and the most rewarding one.
This series of 7 online kinesiology balances has been in spired by the Law of Atrraction.
Topics are: 1. Receiving mode 2. Getting into alignment 3. Follow your biggest vision 4. Feeling weird or different, is that a good thing or not? Playing and playfulness 6. Being thankful for the flow and not working so hard 7. Being true to you.
Please let me know how you feel after watching this series of vlogs, like and share. The more people that discover who they are, the easier it will be to create the life of our dreams.
Love, Merel Slotboom
Kinesiologist on the Move, trainer and author. Buy my books at www.selfenizer.com and www.selfenizer.nl
Becoming The kinesiologist on the Move
Before I became The kinesiolgist on the Move, specialised in writing self-help books on Quantum, LOA and kinesiology and trainer and therapist of long-distance balances, I had a normal life.
I used to live in a house, take care of my 3 kids and dog, had a beautiful 175m2 practice in Bleiswijk. I had colleagues, co-workers and renters.
Now I am free. I travel when I feel I need to, because I am always in the best place, meeting the best people.
If you want to know how I created that life and how you can do the same, just watch these 5 vlogs.
Topics are: 1. Getting to the Polar Circle 2. Regenerate 3. Listen to your feelings 4. Borders 5. Mosquitoes.
Please like, comment and share your insights and progress.
Love, Merel Slotboom
Kinesiologist on the Move, trainer and author of multiple self-help books. You buy them on selfenizer.com and selfenizer.nl.
Heal all…
Welkom bij Heal all…
Ik begon aan deze serie geheel onwetend. Ik had alleen maar een gevoel dat ik deze lives moest doen. Tja, en wat doe je dan? Je doet het! of in ieder geval, ik doe het.
Nu achteraf bezien is het een prachtige reeks geworden waarbij alle dieren in het water en het water zelf worden geheeld.
Water is op lucht na het meest voorkomende element op aarde en het heeft het vermogen energie vast te houden en te zenden. Na deze balans zendt het water een liefdevolle frequentie uit naar ons allen.
Heal all elephants gaat over al het leven op aarde, op het land en het land zelf. Wanneer je de aarde, de grond heelt, heelt het ons.
Heal all condors gaat over het helen van alle dieren in de lucht en de lucht zelf, zodat wij geinspirereerd mogen worden ons mooiste leven te leiden.
Heal the world uiteindelijk brengt alles bij elkaar, alle elementen, alle dieren, alle wezens, alle mensen.
Kijk deze serie en voel jouw trilling en die van dat wat je omgeeft stijgen.
Ik wens je veel liefs en hoop dat je me helpt in het helen van jou en alles om je heen. We zijn namelijk een.
Speciaal voor jou heb ik een 5e video gemaakt: Heal yourself! Deze is in het Engels. Je kunt de ondertitieling aanzetten door onder de video op het tandwiel te klikken.
Merel Slotboom
The kinesiologist on the Move, trainer en autheur van meerdere zelf-ontdekkingsboeken waarin ik kinesiologie, de wet van aantrekking en Quantum denken combineer. Koop mijn boeken op selfenizer.nl
Groepsbalansen GGLLVVLL
Movimento, kinesiologie groepsbalansen voor Liefde en licht, Geluk en gezondheid, Veiligheid en verbinding en lucht en leven.
Ik neem je mee in deze thema’s en balanceer met jou de onbalansen. Het maakt niet uit wanneer je kijkt, de energie zal altijd juist voor je zijn.
Geniet van in balans komen door naar deze video’s te kijken. Wanneer jij in balans bent, straal je dit uit naar je directe omgeving en dit gaat door en door en door.
Welke video resoneert met jou?
Laat me horen wat de video met je deed en deel met mensen die je lief hebt. Dit zijn mijn cadeautjes voor de wereld.
Liefs, Merel Slotboom The kinesiologist on the Move, trainer en auteur van zelf-ontdekkingsboeken vol met praktische tips om jouw ideale leven te creëren. Kijk op selfenizer.nl voor Nederlandstalige boeken en trainingen en op selfenizer.com voor Engelstalige boeken.